Monday, November 14, 2011

Me in the Train

This is taken in the train in between the carriages.

Paul at Adelaide countrylink station

Paul in front of the Indian Pacific train.

Paul at Adelaide countrylink station

Paul in front of the Indian Pacific train.

Holiday pictures

One of the oldest Hotels in Adelaide.

Monday, May 24, 2010

House Pictures

Thoughts on LIthgow

Thoughts on Lithgow

Walking down the street.
One can see
Community justice centres
Solicitors, solicitors, and more solicitors.
CCtvs everywhere.
Pubs and more pubs down the street.
Broken down empty shops.
Lots of hearing clinics.
Murals on the wall.
On the way out is the cemetery.

Makes one think of the jail too.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Things I dislike

AS anyone can see I am quite tolerant.
I don't like all of the following:
Right wing loonies
conservative people
Four wheel drives {SUVs]
Fat people
Tabloid papers and the people who read and believe it/them.
Talk back radio.
country and western
Homophobic people.
commercial radio/television
racist people. Some people who start a sentence with "I'm not racist, but"!
OR in Australia "My family has been in Australia for over 100 years", Then comes the racist rubbish.
obnoxious people
overseas born people who have no civic pride. They put all their rubbish in the streets. They don't want accept the values of the adopted country. In Australia we drive on the left side of the road, also that is the side we walk on.
people who believe the planes twin towers/9/11 was true
poker machines
global warming deniers
large cars
American tv programs
most American things
Americans who don't know about the metric system. Or refuse to acknowledge. This is the system the whole world uses.
software patents
Insular/ ethnocentric people
people who use any sort of religion to justify controlling anyone or anything.
E.g catholics who talk about morals, then there are the sexual abuse cases by the hundreds. Or they say one can't use condoms, then they go and kill people.
Churches not paying council rates.
Big business, who control governments. e.g the coal industry etc.
Farmers who destroy the environment. Either with chemicals or erosion or damaging river systems.
People who think marijuana is so bad yet tobacco is allowed and alcohol is more damaging.
Any software Microsoft!!